Morning Routine


April 25, 2020

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My Morning Routine

I was on vacation when my friend texted me asking if I had ever heard of Anthony William. I remember going to his Facebook page and reading about him and some of his posts. The first thing I learned is that most health issues stem from the liver.

For example, in order to have eczema you must have 3 things, copper, mercury, and a pathogen (usually Epstein barr). I immediately ordered his book Liver Rescue to find out how to cleanse my liver in order to get rid of my eczema. In addition to eczema, I also learned that blood sugar imbalances also stem from the liver.  In his book he has a 9 day liver cleanse.

I devoured the book and bought all his other books including one called Life Changing Foods. That is exactly what it has been, life changing. It has been 1 year and three months that I have been following the advice from his books, so what has changed?

As of today, my eczema only flares up on a rare occasion and the skin on my chest (where I get my flare ups) has gone from being permanently rough and scaly to nice and soft. I can eat out without getting bloated, and It has been years since my last blood sugar crash. I genuinely feel like my health is under control.

My whole family (including my parents) has been following his protocol, and the results are undeniable. My mom has lost 20 pounds, and the swelling in her right leg (edema) among other symptoms have improved dramatically.  

My dad, who has been pre-diabetic for years and was on the verge of being diagnosed with diabetes, now has his blood sugar under control. 

I credit much of our progress to following this morning routine below. 

Lemon Water 

So what is my morning routine?  

Here we go. I start my day with 32 oz of lemon water (1/2 lemon for 16 oz, 1 lemon for 32 oz). Anthony William recommends drinking the lemon water first thing in the morning for multiple reasons.

Aside from being rich in vitamins and minerals it is also very hydrating and detoxifying. He says, “When you wake up your blood is dirty with toxins and waste your liver has discarded overnight. If you don’t flush out the waste, your liver will reabsorb it, which prevents healing.” The lemon water will also help if you have any neurological issues.

16 oz of Celery Juice

After I drink the lemon water, I wait 20-30 minutes to let it work its magic. Next, I drink 16 oz of celery juice. I don’t know where to begin with the benefits of celery juice. William calls it the most miraculous super food. Some of the many benefits include:

  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • fights bacteria and viruses
  • electrolytes that hydrate on a cellular level
  • strengthens hydrochloric acid & digestive system
  • disarms toxic heavy metals
  • heals brain fog
  • helps heal eczema and psoriasis
  • fights SIBO and bloating
  • helps balance blood pressure and blood sugar
  • and more...

Why 16 oz of celery juice? 

To make a long story short, the celery juice has a long way to travel in the body before it reaches the liver. It starts in your mouth where it fights off the bacteria in your mouth. 

Next, it works its way down the esophagus where you have different levels of ammonia deposits, bacteria, and acids. As it passes through the stomach it will come across more ammonia, toxic acids and bacteria. It will collect undigested proteins and fats (sludge).

As you can imagine, this process does not happen overnight, which is why I have been doing it every day for over a year. I even try to get celery juice when traveling.

It is very important to make sure you drink the celery juice on an empty stomach and do NOT add anything to it.  Also it is best if you juice it in the morning and drink it fresh.  

16 oz of celery juice

The juicer we use is an Omega, it is the best.  We burned through two highly rated juicers in a year. The Omega is a high-performance,  masticating juicer that's made for heavy use.

If you want to read more about why you need to drink 16 ounces of celery juice in one serving, click here...

The #lemonwater, #celeryjuice morning routine for #liverdetox, #eczema, and more... 

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Liver Rescue Smoothie

Next, I make my liver rescue smoothie, (recipe below) which consists of red dragon fruit (you can buy in packets in the frozen fruit section, or in powder on amazon), frozen wild blueberries from Maine, banana or papaya, and a little water or coconut water. Wild blueberries are another one of Anthony William’s highly recommended super foods.

Wild blueberries have the highest proportions of antioxidants of all foods. It is one of the most effective heavy metal detoxing foods, and the most powerful brain food. The red dragon fruit rejuvenates the liver and slows or stops the liver from aging.  You can check out the Liver Rescue Smoothie recipe here.

Liver rescue smoothie and wild blueberry pancakes

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

I would highly recommend his heavy metal detox smoothie (recipe below) if you can tolerate it. I tried drinking it for a few weeks and I had a terrible reaction, my skin just erupted with welts and rashes and I was embarrassed to go out in public.

Although, this might be a good time (COVID-19 quarantine) for me to try again, since the only people I will be around for the next month is my family.

I saw a YouTube live he did with Andrew Kusatsu, who recovered from severe eczema. 

He described his first few months on the heavy metal detox as “hell” and said his skin was worse than it had ever been, before it got better, and he fully recovered. If you have eczema you may want to watch the YouTube video (below).  

The heavy metal detox smoothie consists of five foods that when combined is the best way to eliminate heavy metals. The smoothie includes:

  • spirulina: draws out heavy metals from your brain, central nervous system and liver
  • wild blueberries: draws heavy metals out of brain tissue
  • cilantro: goes deep into the hard to reach places
  • dulse flakes: binds to heavy metals in the digestive tract and gut
  • barley grass juice powder: draws heavy metals out of your spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, thyroid, and reproductive system.

Avoid Fat Before Noon 

I also avoid eating any fat until noon, to avoid stressing the liver, so it can do its job eliminating toxins. My smoothie and celery juice usually hold me over until lunch but if I need a snack before lunch, I have an apple and some dates.

Wild Blueberry Pancakes

Another breakfast favorite in our house (there is some fat from the almond flour) is the Medical Medium's recipe for wild blueberry pancakes. They are great if you have kids, they are so good they taste like cookie.  My kids love them, they are healthy, and they are easy to make. The main ingredients are bananas, honey, and almond flour. You can find the wild blueberry pancake recipe here.  They come out best when I bake them.  In my next blog post, I will discuss which foods I avoid and why.

I like to bake the pancakes on parchment paper

I bake them a little longer than recommended, I prefer them golden brown.

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About the author 


I have been an adapted physical education teacher for the last 18 years. My passion is and has always been about health and fitness. Over the last ten years, I have worked hard on educating myself on how to live a clean life, which goes far beyond just food and fitness. I will be discussing many topics, and I hope you enjoy the tips and strategies I have to share with you.

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