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Could your teeth problems be related to your gut health? Have you ever wondered why some people get cavities every time they go to the dentist despite not eating a lot of sugar or candy and taking good care of their teeth, while others can eat sugar and candy but have never had a cavity in their life?
We all know sugar is bad for us when it comes to dental health, but what if your gut health had more to do with your teeth problems than eating candy and sugar.
Gut health
If you have digestive issues, you likely have problems with your teeth. Acid reflux can erode your gums, wash away your enamel, and destroy your teeth. When laying down to sleep, ammonia comes up the canal into your mouth.
Weak digestion is also connected to having an over burdened liver that can not produce strong enough bile, which then forces the stomach to overproduce hydrochloric acid to compensate. This taxes both organs and weakens the stomach glands that produce hydrochloric acid over time. With both low bile and low hydrochloric acid production, bad bacteria can thrive in the duodenum and other areas of the stomach, causing acid reflux.
Diets that are too high in fat and protein, whether plant-based or animal-based, causes gut rot that bad bacteria can feed on. If eating animal proteins, consider reducing your consumption of chicken, beef, and fish to once a day instead of two/three times a day, and ideally eliminate eggs and dairy from your diet altogether. If eating a plant-based diet, reduce oils, nuts and seeds to once a day as well. Too much fat creates a playground for bacteria and viruses in your gut. Gluten also feeds bacteria and should be removed from diet to help oral health.

Mineral deficiency
If you have a lot of problems with your teeth, you may have a mineral deficiency. Teeth are made of minerals, they are a very complex tissue that take the longest to form in utero. When you are pregnant, you are creating another skeletal system, so a lot of minerals are being pulled to make that system. If you are not eating foods high in minerals the baby could steal from your system or not get enough for theirs. Just as teeth take a long time to form, it takes a long time to break down. So what you are eating right now, will effect the health of your teeth and gums down the road. Your current diet does not reflect your current dental health. If your teeth are falling apart now, it is from what you ate years ago. Once you start eating healthier, you may not see immediate results, but you will see the benefits down the road.
Foods that are particularly problematic include coffee and dairy. The acid in coffee demineralizes teeth, even if you gave up drinking it years ago. Milk, cheese, and other dairy products contain high levels of sugar and fat which coat the teeth and cause them to rot.

Halitosis (bad breath)
What causes bad breath? Bad breath is caused by the gut having low hydrochloric acid (the good kind of acid that destroys bacteria, which prevents acid reflux). When the ammonia comes up, acids are eroding the gums. Acid reflux are bad acids produced by microorganisms and bad bacteria. Celery juice restores the glands in your stomach that produce hydrochloric acid. If you drink 16 ounces of celery juice every morning on an empty stomach (wait 15-30 min before eating breakfast), you can get rid of your bad breath in 3 months.

Mercury fillings
You never want to get Mercury fillings because we all know that Mercury is a toxic heavy metal and heavy metals can cause a lot of health problems. However, if you already have mercury fillings, you do NOT want to remove them unless they are broken or corroding. If you have to remove them because they are broken or decaying, remove them one at a time (every month/3 months/6 months) etc. As a filling is removed, mercury in the amalgam can vaporize, enter the bloodstream, and weaken the immune system (this is why you want to space them out).

Receding gums
When the stomach loses most of its hydrochloric acid, toxic acids takeover and while you are sleeping, these bad acids come up from the stomach and destroy the gums, causing them to recede. Low hydrochloric acid is extremely common today. The best way to restore hydrochloric acid is to drink 16oz of straight celery juice daily on an empty stomach.
A second issue that impacts gum health occurs when your body is unable to break down the food that you eat and it rots in the gut. This rotting food produces ammonia which rises into the mouth and eats away at the gums and teeth.
Lastly, poor food choices can lead to gum recession. If having problems with receding gums, minimize coffee, vinegar, and processed food intake.

Low hydrochloric acid
When your liver and stomach are weak from a poor diet, pathogens, and toxins, your stomach glands also become weak, lowering the production of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Having low hydrochloric acid affects the kinds of proteins and fats you can digest and breakdown.

Avoid fluoride
Fluoride is a by product of aluminum which is a toxic heavy metal and severe neurotoxin. Our family always declines fluoride treatments at the dentist office. We also avoid toothpaste that has fluoride in it. If your toothpaste has the warning "Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, get medial help or contact a poison control center immediately" it is because it has fluoride in it. While the amount in your toothpaste may not be much, using it twice a day, everyday, 365 days a year, adds up. In addition, unless you have a water filter that specifically filters out fluoride, you are getting more exposure from your water.

How to restore your oral health
- Drink 16 ounces of lemon water first thing in the morning- Lemon water neutralize bad acid, it is hydrating, and it flushes your liver and toxins. The minerals and acids kill bacteria on the gum line.
- Drink 16 ounces of celery juice (15-20 min after your lemon water). Celery juice will help stop rancid fats from building up in the intestinal tract and prevent the ammonia gases from damaging your teeth and gums. It will also help turn around bad breath.
- Eat a diet high in fruit- fruit kills bacteria and it is rich in minerals. Papaya helps fight against ammonia in the gut and helps raise your hydrochloric acid.
- Take a Spirulina supplement. It will help pull heavy metals like mercury out of the intestinal tract while also remineralizing teeth and gums. The brand I use is called Vimergy.
- Take a Zinc supplement. It will help restore minerals in your teeth. The brand I use is Vimergy.
- Take a high quality Vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is very beneficial for oral health.
- Eating radishes, apples, leafy greens, celery, onions, scallions, chives, cucumbers, sesame seeds, tahini, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, ginger, and garlic can also support your oral health as well.